Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Week 2 Reading Diary: The Iliad

The Iliad: Retold by Alfred J. Church

First story giving background: The act of stealing - Why did they choose Helen in the first place? 

The King said to them: "Now you must all swear that you will be good friends with the man whom my daughter shall choose for her husband, and that if any one is wicked enough to steal her away from him, you will help him get her back."

Athena changed the entire future by stopping Achilles from killing the King. If she had not intercepted Achilles, the story would have a very different ending. 

The Quarrel: cont.
Achilles wept after the girl, Briseïs, went with the heralds. The heralds were forced to confront Achilles. 

Achilles calls upon his mother, daughter of the sea, to request the help of Zeus. 

Why was Zeus, at one time, locked up and chained by the other gods? 

Achilles wanted the Trojans to conquer the Greeks and make them flee in an effort to make Agamemnon feel foolish. 

What Thetis did for her son
Zeus knew there was going to be trouble. 
"For a long time Zeus sat saying nothing, for he knew that great trouble would come out of this thing. But Thetis still held him fast by the knees and by the beard; and she spoke again, saying: "Promise me this thing, and make your promise sure by nodding your head; or, else, say outright that you will not do it. Then I shall know that you despise me."

Thetis pleading with Zeus by Ingres
(Source: Wikipedia)

In some respects, Zeus was afraid of his wife and did not like displeasing her. 

Hera was also afraid of her husband.

Dreams personify a person, or a god. The dreams take commands and are able to enter a person's mind, giving instructions. 
Dreams can make a person believe in something that is false. 

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