Thursday, January 21, 2016

My Storybook Favorites

The first Storybook that caught my eye was The Legend of Odysseus. As I have stated before, I read the story of Odysseus in high school and continue to enjoy learning about the many adventures he had on his journey. The introduction is placed in the the future which I thought added a nice touch to the actually time the events took place in stories of Odysseus. During Odysseus' journey, he encountered many obstacles and I liked how this Storybook chose to dissect only a few of them. It made for a very entertaining part of the whole. I also really enjoyed the characters that were chosen to discuss the legend of Odysseus. The physical part of the Storybook was very simple which allowed the reader to focus on the story.

Odysseus blinding the Cyclops
(Source: Wikipedia)

The second Storybook I noticed was Which is the Real Cinderella? I have probably watched or read every show, book, or movie that is based on the storyline of Cinderella. I thought the introduction was a very cute way to start the project. All of the animals were convinced they had the correct story of Cinderella. She then gave four different versions of Cinderella and each of them contained a different picture. I haven't heard any of the stories so this was really neat for me to read. 

I chose Hotel California next because I really like the song from The Eagles. The writer caught my attention from the labels at the top. The second label had a great entrance to begin the Storybook. I loved the storyline immediately. The layout was colorful and easy to read from. It was so easy to navigate through the site which made me like it even more. The pictures added a lot to the story. The characters had many speaking parts which I thought helped the story immensely. 

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